Addiction, Recovery and Word Stigma

Is the word RECOVERY getting in the way of you recovering?

You aren't the only one. I hear it all the time. People sometimes stop listening when I use the word. Their response (if they have one) is "I don't have a drinking or a drug problem."

Recently, Amy Dresner said "You can't break the stigma of addiction until you break the stigma of recovery." I thought this was super powerful and SO true. Either way, people continue to suffer.

The stories that I have heard over the years are the same regarding people's suffering. Here is one phrase that I hear all the time:
I made a promise to myself that I would not ____________ for 30 days. I am 10 days in and I have already broke that promise.

I think nearly everyone on the planet has said this. And the blank space can be filled by a LOT more than just booze and/or drugs. And actually, MOST of the time it IS!

SOME people never get caught up in using booze and drugs to cope. Some people are codependent or perfectionists. Some people have emotional or physical affairs. Some people overuse food. Some people run up their credit cards. Some people over exercise. Some people are constantly busy. Some people over work.

The common thread is that we are using THINGS to escape a present-time reality; either by clinging to pleasure or running from pain. Either way, the suffering continues... whether it be or own suffering or of those around us.

There are so many ways to heal, thrive and live your best life. But if we continue to allow the words ADDICTION and RECOVERY to stand in the way, there will continue to be suffering.

I haven't had a drink or drug for nearly 11 years but I can assure you that those things were the least of my problems. They were just less socially accepted than the other things I needed healing from. My "dis-ease" came from CLINGING to pleasure and/or attempting to AVOID pain and discomfort.

My hope is that we transcend the words and focus on healing. Isn't that the greatest desire? To live a full life, to be able to navigate the ups and downs? To be present for all of it and not RUN or CLING?

Here are ways that I continue to heal:
1. She Recovers : Yoga, Sharing Circles, Online Meetings, Retreats. Women healing together from ALL the things.
2. Online and In Person
3.. Yoga/Meditation
4. Community: I cannot do this life thing alone.

We are responsible for our own healing. Let's not miss out on personal growth and thriving over the stigma of words.

Lastly, You are not broken. Healing and Recovering don't imply that there is something irreparably wrong with you. If you broke your arm, you would see a doctor to get it set. If you scraped your knee, you would clean it and put a band aid on it. You would end the suffering by taking action.


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